Thats good. I would say though that for me the place where Luther's message really has legs(to use his own expression), is with the recognition that there really is an antithesis here. It's Either leaves Or leather. We want to have Christ's righteousness and our own. We want faith plus works, but Paul screams at us, OH foolish American church who has bewitched you? We wear His leather and feel naked without our self-righteous leaves on top of them.(and worse teach others to feel this way!) A message i wrote for a friend on this subject a couple of years ago:


Love and peace, jc

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Good eye, Jon. As the Luther meme says, "Nailed it!" 😅 It's the same way you can't be inside and outside the Ark or have one foot on the ground and one in the plane. Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing!

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Enjoyed it. When I get a little free time I'll be looking through your archives always need encouragement and good ideas

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Liked by McKay Caston

LOVE your juxtaposition... Eve's Leaves or the LORDs' Leather (or the Savior's Skins)! But, saying THAT and omitting Adam would be biblical (1Tim.2:14), but "sexist." : ( : ) GRACE! - Yo' Bubba

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I think you improved the juxtaposition. Thanks for reading and for the encouragement.

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