Excellent exposition McKay very upbuilding. Nothing cuts through the 'deceitful above all things' heart of my inveterately self-righteous self like the Lord's Parables. Are you familiar with Fr. Robert Capon and his work on the Parables? If not he would probably be right up your alley. Also here is my own little spin, Jacob and Esau's relationship viewed through the lens of the Prodigal and the Elder Brother- https://comfortwithtruth.substack.com/publish/post/77556533

Your writing always improves my day.

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Thanks, Jon. I am familiar with some Capon "grace quotes" that I really like. Not his work on the parables, though. Thanks for the recommendation! And thanks for your post on Jacob & Esau, too. 👍

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Sure. All of Capon's work on the parables got collected in one called Kingdom, Grace, and Judgment, must have for anyone interested in a look at the paradoxes of the parables. My Jacob and Esau is one of my favorites, I need to get around to recording it as a podcast, far more of my friends seem to be into listening than reading, but I despisey.recorded voice. Lol anyway merry Christmas brother

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